Jeez, what a crazy week. Sunday was CRAZY at Eastern Market. Sold a ton of "loc" hats, but remember this
is Chocolate City, although loc-less people love them too. I've been busy all week, trying to replenish and not dig into the fall stash that I have been steadily working on for several months. Saturday is the Adams Morgan Night Market which we do twice a year. Come check me out, I'll be there until 10. Then Sunday I'll be at Eastern Market as usual.
I have photos to post, but haven't downloaded them from the camera. My crazy week also includes having a customer - Tawana, and her folks coming to the house on Friday night to purchase some hats before flying out to Jamaica on Saturday. She left me a wonderful voicemail message on Monday saying she purchased a hat on Sunday, and she had orders to get more and take them with her. Gotta love a customer like THAT!
Pic's coming soon, watch this space.